Welcome to our first corporate member

Jelly Academy

We welcome Darian Kovacs, Founder of Jelly Academy & Digital Marketing Sector Council, and everyone at Jelly Academy to CAUCE. Jelly Academy is our first corporate member!

According to LinkedIn’s ‘Jobs on the Rise Report’ for Canada in 2023, Growth Marketing Managers are the most in demand role in the country. Businesses understand that in order to remain competitive, and grow in this digital age, they must hire people with the skill sets to help them achieve those goals. Jelly Academy’s Digital Marketing Bootcamp was built over 5 years ago based on industry demand, and continues to grow and be redeveloped to help their students develop the skills they need to fill the job roles that employers are hiring for. On a frequent basis, they lean on the insights from the Digital Marketing Sector Council to update curriculum so that their grads can walk right into jobs and make an immediate impact for businesses. Now Jelly Academy is bringing their course to Continuing and Extended Education departments across the country.