About the research fund
Because of the limited resources available, grants will normally not exceed $3500, will be confined to applicants from member institutions, and will not be awarded to any applicant who has received a grant from the fund during the past three years. Regarding budgets, up to a maximum of $700 can be allotted for travel based on an overall request of $3500. Travel expenses include conference registration fees, accommodation, airfare, and other forms of transportation. Travel costs should be used for travel relating to data collection and/or to attend our annual conference to present the project. Smaller budgets should reduce the sum asked for travel accordingly. In addition:
- A grant will not ordinarily be made in support of a project for which the work is also part of the pursuit of an advanced degree with financial sponsorship (scholarships, bursaries). Exceptions may be made for a project that is part of an advanced degree if the study is of particular significance to university-level continuing education and meets all other criteria.
- Normally, a grant will not be made in support of needs assessments and/or other program planning activities associated with the work considered to be part of a regular Continuing Education role.
- The successful applicant must complete their project within eighteen months of notification. Research grants will not be given to projects already underway.
Applications and general process information
Applications must include all of the following components:
- an application form;
- a clear statement of objectives;
- a preliminary literature review that supports the research question and includes key themes and contributions relating to the area of study;
- a description of the research design or methodology;
- a comment on the significance of the project to university continuing education in Canada (including, where appropriate, commentary on the relationship of this project to research in the field already completed and supported by a preliminary literature review);
- a budget indicating how the applicant will use the funds and, in the case of larger projects, the other sources of support for the research;
- a timeline for the project;
- a dissemination plan;
- and a letter(s) of endorsement from the applicant’s supervisor. We also recommend including statements from peers about the value of the project.
- This rubric is provided to assist you with the funding application.
The committee may not review applications that are missing any of the above.
Please note that you can allow up to $700 for travel based on an overall request of up to $3500. This sum is to be used for travel relating to data collection and/or attending the CAUCE conference to present the project. Smaller budgets should reduce the sum asked for travel expenses requested accordingly.
The total amount requested may not be approved as approvals as we base the approvals on the overall funds available and eligible funds requested for dispersion through the Research & Scholarship Committee.
In the event of the perception of a conflict of interest involving a submission for possible funding through the CAUCE Research fund (e.g., a close relationship between a Committee member and a submitter of a proposal, the circumstance that a member of the Research and Scholarship Committee may financially benefit if a particular submitter receives a grant, a Committee Member has prepared a letter of support for a submitter), it is the Committee Member’s responsibility to advise the Chair and to remove him-herself from discussion of and/or recommendation regarding all proposals generated by the involved proposal call.
When a grant has been provided, the name of the grant recipient, institution, and title of the project are posted on the CAUCE website. Upon completion of the project, an Executive Summary from the final report and any journal article resulting from the research project will also be posted on the CAUCE website. CAUCE will keep a final report in the archives.
To be eligible for funding, you must be employed by a university with an institutional membership with CAUCE. Additionally, the university must maintain its institutional membership throughout the duration of your project. If you are employed by an affiliate membership, you can still apply for funding by submitting a collaborative proposal with an institutional member.
- The Research and Scholarship Committee Chair will notify successful applicants by email. The executive will be advised of successful applicants by the Executive Committee Liaison. In the event of an irregularity about a submission that the committee would like to recommend for funding, the executive will be consulted and may make the final decision. Non-successful applicants will also be notified by email.
- Upon notification of CAUCE’s intention to support an applicant with funding, the successful applicant is responsible for advising the Research and Scholarship Committee Chair and the secretariat on where to direct the funds. Please note that the cheque will not be made payable to an individual but to the individual’s respective department and institution. Once in receipt of this information, CAUCE will disburse one-half of the grant. CAUCE will pay the balance upon completion of the project, which includes a four to six-page final report.
After notification of funding, recipients are required to submit a short interim progress report to the secretariat and Research and Scholarship Committee at six months and, if the project is eighteen months in length, at twelve months.
Recipients are required to submit a final research report of four-six pages in length following the conference presentation. Please note that this report is not a peer-reviewed publication. Posting of the report does not negatively affect a person’s ability to prepare an article based on his or her project for possible publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
The second half of the grant will be issued once all project requirements are met.
Application form
All applications should be submitted online electronically as a single document (the proposal itself and all relevant letters of support) in PDF format. Login to Member365 to submit your form. Please contact the secretariat if you have any questions.
Our funded research projects
In order to increase the dissemination of this research, we have posted some of the most recent completed projects on our website.