Our membership is highly diverse, with most members offering a variety of program types. These include for-credit programs, community programs, professional programs, transitional programs including English/French as a second language, Indigenous transition programs, lifelong learning programs, and personal interest programs. Additionally, our institutional members are leaders in using educational technologies and pedagogies such as online learning and flexible learning models.


Membership Type






Membership Fee
Conferences, Meetings, Professional Development
Attend Annual Conference at the member rate  1
Present papers at Annual Conference  4
Attend Annual Deans and Directors’ Meeting
Participate in Webinars
Participate in Communities of Practice (CoP)
Participate in LinkedIn Group
Awards and Research
Eligible to apply for Research Fund  2  2
Eligible to apply for Continuing Education Applied Research and Creative Works Fund  2  2
Eligible to apply for Program Award  2  2
Eligible to apply for Design and Marketing Award  2  2
Eligible for Distinguished Researcher Award
Eligible for Graduate Thesis or Dissertation Award
Eligible for Award of Recognition
Eligible for Outstanding Service Award
Eligible to have advocacy issues represented
Eligible to promote your association with CAUCE in marketing materials and use CAUCE logo   3  3  3
Eligible to hotlink to CAUCE website
Eligible to post job opportunities on the CAUCE website
Voting, Holding Office, Committees
Eligible vote at AGM (one vote per institution)
Eligible to serve on CAUCE Committees
Eligible to serve on CAUCE Executive

  1. Reduced fee based on direct costs.
  2. Only if submitted in collaboration with an institutional member.
  3. CAUCE does not approve or endorse a member’s programs, activities, etc.
  4. Only if presented in collaboration with an institutional member.

Application and Fees

Join the leading national Canadian association in adult, online, professional, and continuing education by completing our online application. Our membership committee reviews all applications, and we will follow up with an invoice to complete the process.

Before completing an application, please review our list of current members. If you are an employee of one of our institutional or affiliate members, you may be eligible to be placed on the membership list for that organization. Contact the dean or director at your organization or the secretariat for more information.

Every Canadian university or college in good standing with the Universities Canada shall be eligible for membership. CAUCE uses the institution's annual revenue from government funding and student fees to determine the membership fee. The fee categories range from $472 to $2,777.

CAUCE uses the CAUBO 1 report to determine the university's revenue from government grants and student fees, augmented by a small percentage each year. Pre-existing ranges are used to determine each university's membership fees. The annual CAUCE membership fee would be determined by the range into which the level of its grants and fees fall.  Institutional members also pay 12% of their fee as an annual contribution to the CAUCE Research Fund.

The following is the fee structure used to determine the annual CAUCE membership fee:


Revenue from Government
Grants & Student Fees ($,000)

CAUCE Annual Membership
Fees 2024-2025

Research Fund
at 12%

Category 1 $0-$24,999 $472 $57
Category 2 $25,000-$49,999 $651 $78
Category 3 $50,000-$74,999 $828 $99
Category 4 $75,000-$99,999 $1004 $120
Category 5 $100,000-$149,999 $1,182 $142
Category 6 $150,000-$199,999 $1,537 $184
Category 7 $200,000-$299,999 $1,951 $234
Category 8 $300,000-$399,999 $2,364 $284
Category 9 $400,000 and over $2,777 $333


1. CAUBO compiles data from universities that are members of their association. In general, CAUCE members are also members of CAUBO. However, a university that holds membership in CAUCE but not in CAUBO should be contacted directly to obtain the level of grants and fees.

Following receipt of your application and approval from our membership committee, you will receive an invoice for the annual fee. Your invoice will include your annual membership fee and 12% research fund fee.

A corporate associate membership is available to organizations that provide goods and services within the higher education sector, and more specifically to University Continuing Education in Canada, that assists or benefits CAUCE members. A corporate membership provides brand visibility and the opportunity to provide customized content to leaders in the field of Canadian University Continuing Education. With nearly 50 institutional members, a corporate associate membership will provide exposure to leaders and practitioners whose professional careers are in university continuing education across the country.

The benefits of a corporate associate membership include:

  • Listing on the CAUCE website with a brief (approx. 25 word) explanation of company's services and link to company’s website. A short video link identifying the company’s products may be considered.
  • Recognition in a corporate association member joint e-blast (twice annually) to members.
  • A reduced fee to attend the CAUCE annual conference (i.e. at the member’s rate). Note that conference sponsorship is a separate application and approval process.

Corporate Associate Membership Annual Fee:  $2500

National, provincial and international associations, groups, organizations, or institutions interested in or associated with continuing education at the post-secondary level but not eligible for membership in Universities Canada.

Examples of collectives of individuals that would be eligible to apply for affiliate membership include, but are not limited to:

  • international associations similar to ours (UPCEA, ACHE, and UALL);
  • educational institutions (including international ones) that are not eligible for membership in Universities Canada;
  • other professional associations.

Affiliate Membership Annual Fee:  $270

Following recipt of your application and approval from our membership committee, you will receive an invoice for the annual fee.

Any persons interested in or associated with continuing education at the post-secondary level.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • individuals who provide training and education on a contract basis;
  • employees of collectives that are not part of an institution or organization that is an institutional or affiliate member
  • individuals who may be part of an institutional or affiliate membership and want to be a professional member.

Professional Membership Annual Fee:  $130

Following recipt of your application and approval from our membership committee, you will receive an invoice for the annual fee.

Persons nominated for honorary membership must be individuals who have contributed to the objectives of CAUCE. There is no annual fee for honorary members.

Membership fees are invoiced annually on April 1st.