About the fund

The purpose of the Continuing Education Applied Research and Creative Works Fund are three-fold:

  • To expand outreach in support of advocacy efforts and informed decision-making for Continuing Education and highlight the impressive contributions happening in Continuing Education that may not align with the format of a research report.
  • To shed light on and develop ideas that may inspire more research, new directions, and help advance Continuing Education.
  • To provide resources in support of focused exploration of various topics, issues, debates, philosophies, and ideas that have real world application to, or impact on, continuing education in Canada.
Projects can include, but are not limited to:

•  Position papers
•  White papers
•  Audio or video recordings, e.g., Podcasts.
•  Digital or print public education materials
•  Leveraging previous research for advocacy or policy making
•  Blogs

The maximum funding for a project is $1000 per institution per year. Additional applications may be considered at the end of the funding period (April 1 – March 31) if additional funds become available.

Application and general process information

Applications to the fund are open-ended to ensure timely funding opportunities for our members. You will be notified of the committee decision within 30 days of your application unless otherwise communicated.

Your application should consiste of a one-page document summarizing the following:

1. Application or Impact: Explain how the project creates or disseminates compelling content to a targeted audience to advance the field of continuing education in Canada. Provide relevant information that makes clear the context and background.

2. Dissemination Plan: Provide a clear outline of the knowledge mobilization plan and intended outcomes for the project. For example, advancing understanding of a complex issue, mobilizing knowledge to a novel audience, or advocating for a specific position or solution. Describe your target audience, compelling content to be created (e.g., infographics), and platform(s) you might use for knowledge mobilization. 

3. Budget Allocation: Describe the budget needed for the project and what the funds from this application will be allocated to.

When funding is provided, the name of the recipient, institution, and title of the project are posted on the CAUCE website. The sucessful applicant must complete their project within twelve months from the start date. The results from the project will be posted on the CAUCE website, shared with members and kept in the CAUCE archives as appropriate.

Please see the assessment criteria below.

Note that all finished projects must included the following disclaimer: While the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) provided funds to support this project, not all research findings are endorsed by CAUCE.

You must be employed with a university with an institutional membership with CAUCE, and the university must remain an institutional member for the duration of your project. If you belong to an organization with an affiliate membership you are ineligible for funding unless you submit a proposal in collaboration with an institutional member.

Applications are assessed according to the following criteria:


Application or Impact:

Compelling content has real world application to, or impact on, continuing education in Canada.

Dissemination Plan

- Objectives clearly align to university continuing education in Canada.
- Objectives address the significance of need.
- Project is likely to have a significant impact or further relevant discussions about continuing education in Canada.
- It is clear who may be impacted and how the target audience will be reached for maximum impact.
- Plan considers diverse dissemination platforms.


Budget Allocation

Clear and reasonable allocation of funds that align with the project's scope.


  • The Research and Scholarship Committee Chair will notify successful applicants by email within 30 days of application. The executive will be advised of successful applicants by the Executive Committee Liaison. In the event of an irregularity about a submission that the committee would like to recommend for funding, the executive will be consulted and may make the final decision. Non-successful applicants will also be notified by email.
  • Upon notification of CAUCE’s intention to support an applicant with funding, the successful applicant is responsible for advising the Research and Scholarship Committee Chair and the secretariat on where to direct the funds. Please note that the cheque will not be made payable to an individual but to the individual’s respective department and institution. Once in receipt of this information, CAUCE will disburse one-half of the grant. CAUCE will pay the balance upon completion of the project.

Application form

Applications to the fund are open-ended to ensure timely funding opportunities for our members (e.g., no deadline for applications), with a maximum of $4000 in total awarded per fiscal year. A notice will be posted on this webpage when the total budget has been awarded for the year.

Please click the buttom below (login required) to complete the application form and to submit your one-page document.

Our funded projects

In order to increase the dissemination of this research, we have posted some of the most recent completed projects on our website.
While the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) provided funds to support this project, not all research findings are endorsed by CAUCE.