Join us in championing the theme “Knowledge Knows No Boundaries: The Power of Lifelong Learning” as a valued supporter of our 71st annual conference, at Brock University from May 28 - 30, 2025!  

At the CAUCE 2025 national hybrid conference, we are dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous learning that transcends traditional boundaries. This year’s theme, Knowledge Knows No Boundaries: The Power of Lifelong Learning, emphasizes the transformative power of lifelong learning, which is essential for personal growth, career advancement, and societal progress.  

Your organization will have the unique opportunity to engage with influential leaders and dedicated practitioners in university continuing education, both in person and virtually. Enjoy extensive promotion and visibility throughout our event, enhancing your brand’s presence and impact. 

Why Your Sponsorship Matters

The Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) is the leading Canadian national association in continuing and lifelong learning. Your sponsorship will support creativity, collaboration, and innovation in continuing and professional education through the following:  

  1. Visibility and Recognition: As a sponsor, your brand will be prominently featured throughout the conference, providing you with unparalleled visibility among several hundred leaders and professionals in the field of continuing education. 
  2. Networking Opportunities: Engage with a diverse group of educators, administrators, and industry experts in-person and virtually. Build meaningful connections that can lead to future collaborations and partnerships. 
  3. Support Innovation: By sponsoring CAUCE 2025, you are supporting innovative approaches to education that help individuals overcome barriers to learning and professional development. 
  4. Contribute to a Greater Cause: Your sponsorship helps us make lifelong learning accessible to everyone, regardless of age, profession, or background. Together, we can break down geographical and institutional barriers to education. 
  5. Showcase Your Commitment: Demonstrate your organization’s commitment to education and professional development. Align your brand with the values of continuous improvement and adaptability in a rapidly changing world. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

CAUCE 2025 offers opportunities designed to fit all budgets and needs while maximizing your brand’s visibility and engagement in the field of continuing education. We have tailored options that ensure your brand effectively reaches managers, educators, and professionals. Join us as we foster meaningful engagement in lifelong learning.

                          Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Virtual
Remaining opportunities: SOLD OUT two (2) four (4) five (5) several
$7500 $5000 $3500 $1500 $1000
Customizable virtual booth in Whova two (2) two (2) two (2) one (1) one (1)
Promotional video in Whova booth
Banner ads within Whova 
Logo presence on CAUCE website 
Recognition via social media 
Use of CAUCE 2025 logo
Acknowledgement in CAUCE eblast
Complimentary virtual pass two (2) one (1) one (1) one (1) one (1)
Exhibitor space at the conference1 √ 1
Dedicated demo space available for booking
Company logo on sponsorship banner 
Sponsor ribbon on registration badges 
Opportunity to moderate a concurrent session
Option to place swag at the swag table
Complimentary exhibitor pass2 two (2) two (2) one (1) one (1)
Complimentary conference pass2 two (2) one (1) one (1)
Ability to track leads in Whova 
Eblast sent on behalf of sponsorship level
Inclusion on conference bingo card 
Custom signage at sponsored event
Opportunity to place promotional materials on delegates seats at sponsored event
Opportunity to present a concurrent session3
List of conference attendees

pre- & post-conference


Opportunity to speak at your sponsored event
Brand or present a Fall 2025 webinar4


1 Bronze sponsors share one static booth.
2 Please refer to the sponsor ticket types below. 
3 A presentation proposal is required for review and approval.
4 We recommend a collaborative member/sponsor presentation.

NOTE: we may be required to change or substitute sponsorship benefits depending on availability.

Additional Opportunities

Promote your instution through our Acacemic Member Sponsorship. 

This sponsorship levels will allow you to sponsor either the Exhibitor Showcase or Awards Luncheon, both held on Wednesday, May 28.  Additional benefits include: 

At sponsored event: 

  • Welcome delegates (two minutes)
  • Custom signage
  • Place promotional materials

Virtual booth in Whova

  • ability to upload a video
  • ability to upload two documents
  • banner ads

Complimentary registrations

  • Two in-person conference passes
  • Five virtual conference passes

CAUCE acknowledgement

  • Via social media
  • Through CAUCE eblast

Additional perks

  • Institution logo on sponsor banner
  • Institution logo on CAUCE website

  • Option to place swag at swag table
  • Use of the CAUCE 2025 logo
  • Sponsor ribbon on name tag

There is one opportunity remaining in this category.

COST: $5000

Ensure maximum brand exposure with multiple touch points during the registration process – online and in person. 

As the Registration Sponsor, you will receive: 

  • Customizable virtual sponsor booth in Whova
  • Banner ad in Whova app
  • Logo on the registration webpage
  • Logo on the registration platform
  • Logo on signage at the registration table
  • Permission to use the CAUCE 2025 logo within visual identity guidelines
  • One complimentary virtual conference pass

There is one opportunity in this category.

COST: $1200

This is your opportunity for company exposure at our strategically placed charging station through the conference venue.

As the Charging Station Sponsor, you will receive: 

  • Exclusive recognition on the charging station signage
  • Opportunitiy to place marketing materials at the charging station
  • Recognition in Whova, the conference app
  • Permission to use the CAUCE 2025 logo within visual identity guidelines
  • Linked logo on the CAUCE website

This sponsorship level does not include a conference pass. 

There is one opportunity in this category.

COST: $750


This is your opportunity for company exposure as an exclusive sponsor of a concurrent session.

As a Concurrent Session Sponsor, you will receive: 

  • Opportunity to moderate your sponsored concurrent session
  • Custom signage outside your sponsored concurrent session
  • Opportunitiy to place marketing materials at your session
  • Permission to use the CAUCE 2025 logo within visual identity guidelines
  • Linked logo on the conference website

This sponsorship level does not include a conference pass. 

There are several opportunities in this category.

COST: $500


Sponsor Ticket Types

Full conference registration includes all of the following conference elements. You do not need to purchase a seperate ticket for the social events or the Awards luncheon as both are included in the full conference ticket.

  • Three plenary sessions 
  • A choice of 28 in-person and 14 hybrid concurrent sessions 
  • Access to exhibit area including all coffee/networking breaks
  • Acces to Exhibitor Showcase
  • Opening evening reception
  • Breakfast 
  • Awards luncheon 
  • Hospitality Suite
  • Thursday Evening Social Event 
  • Invitation to CAUCE 2026 and Lunch 
  • Access to your virtual booth
  • A profile account in Whova, the conference app
  • Ability to network in-person and online with all conference delegates
  • Conference app (Whova) access for 90-days post-conference

An exhibitor conference registration includes the following conference elements:

  • Virtual access to the three plenary sessions 
  • A choice of 28 in-person and 14 hybrid concurrent sessions
  • Access to exhibit area including all coffee/networking breaks
  • Acces to Exhibitor Showcase
  • Access to your virtual booth
  • Virtual access to awards luncheon program
  • A profile account in Whova, the conference app
  • Opportunity to network virtually with all delegates
  • Conference app (Whova) access for 90-days post-conference
Breakfast, lunch, and social events are not included in the exhibitor pass.

A virtual conference pass includes the following conference elements:

  • Access to your virtual booth
  • A profile account in Whova, the conference app
  • Opportunity to network virtually with all delegates
  • Virtual access to the three plenary sessions, the awards luncheon program, and invitation to CAUCE 2026 event
  • Virtual access to 14 hybrid concurrent sessions 
  • Conference app (Whova) access for 90-days post-conference

Apply for Sponsorship

Help us pave the path for lifelong learning and be a part of a conference that makes a difference. Together, we can inspire and empower individuals to pursue knowledge without boundaries.  

Please contact the secretariat at if you are interested in becoming a CAUCE 2025 sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities are limited and may be adjusted as required.