Developing assessments
Photo by Luke Peters on Unsplash

Developing Assessments in a time of generative artificial intelligence

Opportunities and Challenges


Join our webinar on ‘Developing Assessments in a Time of Generative Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges’ as we explore how advancements in AI, and particularly generative AI, are reshaping assessment conversations. Discover the potential and pitfalls of traditional, alternative, and adaptive assessments, consider the place of pedagogy, andragogy and heutagogy in continuing education, and learn how to navigate ethical considerations raised by AI. 

CoP: Online Learning & Instructional Design


  • Karen Lochead, Educational Developer, University of Niagara Falls
Webinar Leads:
  • Marina DeBona, Program Manager, School of Continuing Studies, York University 
  • Hajime Kataoka, Director, Online Learning Services, Division of Continuing Studies University of Victoria

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