Deadline Extended: Call for Presentations #CAUCE2021

Do you need a few more days to submit your presentation proposal? We have good news! The program planning committee extended the call, and you now have a few more days to ponder and submit your presentation.

Submit by 11:59 ET, February 21, 2021

Special Request: We are actively seeking presentation proposals for the Marketing and Student Service Administration stream. This stream is aimed at those interested and involved in attracting and retaining students through new and emerging marketing trends and enrolment practices, as well as enhancing the learner experience through enrolment management and student services. If this is your area, please consider sharing your expertise!

This year's conference is unlike any other. Industry professionals from across Canada will gather virtually over three half-days of networking, idea exchange, and social activities. Keynote speakers, presenters, panelists, and conference participants will engage in discussions around new economic realities, social issues, the global pandemic, increased demands for learner pathways, emerging micro-credentials, and changing industry trends.

We want to hear how you are reimagining your practice within your continuing education unit to improve the careers and lives of people in your community and beyond!

Visit the CAUCE website for complete details about the conference theme, streams, and the submission process.